Always on the road.
The year is coming to an end. And I can look back at a year where I visited more than 20 countries. Here is a little about what countries I went to in 2017.
I started off the year in Qatar. I was having a stopover on the way back from India with Qatar Airways. So I spend new years eve in Doha. After that I was in Denmark for a bit to visit family.

Visiting Doha in January.
February & March:
February I had to do some work. I had been on the road for 3 months without working by then. But work is also travel for me, being a tour leader. So I headed off to the island of Madeira, where I spend the majority of February and march working.

Madeira Island.
April it was time to some fun travel again. I went off to Gdansk. Spend a few days there with my father. And just chilled out with some good food and beer, while visiting this beautiful town. Then I moved on to Portugal, for 10 days of work. Then taking a break in Lisbon. A city I have been to more than 50 times, but I always love to return. Might just move here more permanently one day. I flew from Porto to Hungary then. In Hungary I skipped Budapest and went to the Balaton lake instead. Great choice by the way. Lake Balaton is a wonderful place to relax and recharge my mental batteries, after some days of working.

Lake Balaton.

I visited Gdansk in april.
I started may in Croatia. My brother was working a few days in a town called Koprivnica. He is not in tourism by the way. He builds machines that makes egg trays. After hanging out with him for a couple of days, I moved on to Zagreb in Croatia. 3 friends of mine from Malaysia and Hong Kong was in Croatia too and we went on a little Croatian road trip to Zadar and Split. Very nice trip and very nice to see my friends. After that I had a 10 day tour of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro with a group of Danish tourists. When that trip finished, I went to Uzice in Serbia to see an old friend. then moved on to Romania to the wonderful Transylvanian town of Sibiu. From Sibiu I flew to Memmingen in Bavaria. I was meeting up with a large group of old friends in a town called Kempten. Fantastic weekend with lot’s of fun and many many good Bavarian beers.

Lovely view from my room in Zadar, Croatia.

Meeting old friends from around the world in Bavaria.
June & July:
Early june it was time to visit family in Denmark again. I also went to see my cousins on the tiny island of Skarø. Always nice to vist this little island with less than 30 inhabitants. But then the road was calling again. I took the train through Germany to Bruxelles in Belgium. spend a couple of days there and then flew to London. In London I went out with a group of friends I have in the city. Back in 1995 I lived in London for 5 months and also went past my old work place there. Next morning I was up early to fly to Costa Rica. A country that would not let me in because of the state of my passport. So I flew straight on to Guatemala, where they let me in. Spend a few days backpacking around Guatemala. And then moved on to Mexico. in Mexico I bought a bicycle and spend 7 weeks cycling solo around Mexico. Super nice trip, where I also met up with many Mexican friends along the way.

Going to Bruxelles for a beer is always good.

I spend some time in Antigua, Guatemala in June.

It was all about tour cycling in Mexico in July.
I returned from Mexico to Denmark in August. Went off to a tine group of Danish islands called Hirsholmene, together with a group of friends.

September is my busiest work month. So I was busy taking tourists around Portugal and Romania that month. But I had a few days off too, so I could enjoy these two wonderful countries too.

Romania in September.

Going back to Lisbon is always a joy.
October started with some more work, tour guiding in Portugal. But I also took a few days off to visit Minsk in Belarus. A place I had never been before and a very interesting city. On the way back from Belarus I had a few hours stopover in Warsaw. I spend that time going to a pub with my mate Jonny from Northern Ireland. Nice to see that chap again.

Visiting Minsk.

Stopover in a pub in Warsaw.
It was Portugal once again in November. Both some work and some pleasure time. I have actually been more than 100 times to Portugal over the past 19 years, but I never get tired of this country.

The Douro Valley is a nice place to work.
In December I was in Denmark quite a bit. My father had knee surgery and needed a little help while getting used to his new knee. The rehab was very successful though. So I took a few days off and went to Tallinn in Estonia for 3 days. Wonderful old town that is often forgotten because it’s sitting in the far north east corner of Europe. But it is well worth visiting.

December trip to Tallinn.
And now I am sitting back in Denmark looking back at the year and looking forward to 2018. Hope it will be as full of travels as 2017 was.

Happy travels in 2018.
It was good to see you in Kempten and in London – hope to meet up again in Iceland next May!