I have been cycling in more than 40 countries over the past 33 years. And I think that bicycle travel is the best way to see the world. Here are a few reasons why I love bicycle travel.

Bicycle travel in Mexico.

Bicycle travel in Mexico.

 You get fit and lose weight when you travel by bicycle.

Feeling fit among locals when cycling Indonesia.

Feeling fit and young among friendly locals when cycling around Indonesia.

Many people tell me how they put on weight when they travel. But this is never the case for me when I travel with my bicycle.

Bicycle travel is a very effective way of not putting on weight during your holidays. And you will be quite unlucky if you do not lose weight when traveling by bicycle.

On my 6 week trip through Indonesia for instance, I lost 7 kilos, even if I was still eating and drinking like a pig at night.


It’s great meditation to travel by bicycle.

Cycling through Cambodia.

Cycling through Cambodia.

One of the really great things about bicycle travel is that you have time to think a little deeper about things. Especially when compared to a normal working day where you are constantly interrupted by this and that.

When you are on the bike for several hours a day you have time to let thoughts sink in. And reflect in a way you don’t have when you are constantly distracted by other things.

I have a very stressful job as a tour leader. And I find that the best cure against the stress that gives me is a good long bicycle trip that lasts a few weeks.


I am energised after a day of cycling

It's not a farmer tan, it's a biker tan.

It’s not a farmer tan, it’s a biker tan.

A lot of people think that you are so tired after a day of cycling that you have no energy for other things. These people couldn’t be more wrong.

Cycling for an entire day energises me big time. I might be a little tired just as I get off my bike after a long day of cycling. But give me 20 minutes and I feel like going dancing all night.

Normally when I am at work I am really really tired at the end of the day. But after a day of cycling of lets say 100 kilometers: I feel so full of energy and positive thoughts that I sometimes do 50 push ups just for the heck of it because I feel so good.


Bicycle travel get’s you see the places between the big sights

Bicycle travel is about cycling in between the famous places.

Bicycle travel is about cycling in between the famous places.

One thing is visiting the famous places that you read about in books and see on various blogs. Another thing is just meeting the regular people who inhabit the country you visit. This is also where bicycle travel is perfect.

When you cycle between the big sights, you are traveling slow. You will also spend nights in smaller towns that hardly ever see tourists. This is where you get under the skin of the country if you ask me.

I love to roll into some little village by the end of the day. Check into the only hotel in town. And just spend the evening eating and drinking with the locals in whatever eatery they might have in town.

To me the single biggest sight in just about all countries I visit, are the people. And I feel that my bicycle gets me closer to these people as I can not just “hide” with a group of foreign visitors every night.


Bicycle travel promotes healthy lifestyle

Healthy living at Big Sur, California.

Cycling at Big Sur, California.

When I travel on my bicycle I also like the fact that I help to promote exercise and using transportation that is non polluting.

When you travel for thousands of kilometers around the world like me, you will invariably inspire some people along the way. As long as you are not a complete jerk of course. I am very happy to see how I have inspired quite a few young people to get on their bike and live a better and healthier life.


Girls flirt with bikers

Cycling the world is pure joy.

Cycling the world is pure joy.

As I already mentioned, cycling really energises me because of the good exercise it gives me. But another thing that makes me wanna go an extra few miles is that girls are very good at flirting with us bikers. That even an old fart like me feels a bit young again 🙂 .

Even if I am not out there looking for young girls anymore, I really do like when a girl flirts with me. Trust me guys: This happens at least half a dozen times a day when I am touring. Even if I am a chubby forty something year old guy rolling slowly down the empty highway.

Please keep smiling girls.

You make old farts like me feel a little younger while we are exploring the globe 🙂

Bicycle travel in the Philippines.

Bicycle travel in the Philippines.


My bicycle in a hotel room.

My bicycle in a hotel room.

Cycling pilgrim in Mexico

Cycling pilgrim in Mexico.

Cambodian biker girl

Cambodian biker girl


  1. Hello. Thanks for all the useful info. Keep it up.

  2. Way to go!!!!!! Thanks for posting. love biking but haven’t travelled on bike yet.

  3. All power to you! I miss my bike at the moment. 🙂 Have you read/seen/heard about this, ‘Around the World on a Bicycle – Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama’, an account of an around the world bike trip from the 1880s? There’s a free version for Kindle on Amazon.

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