Aero Beach

Standing on the wing of any airplane on Aero Beach.

Forget Thailand, The Maldives and Hawaii. Uganda has my favourite beach ever.

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Restaurante o Aviao.

The owner of restaurant O Aviao, Augostino.

On the Azores you have a restaurant filled with airplane motives on the walls. It’s located in Ponta Delgada and owned by a retired pilot.

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Up in the air with no fear of flying.

Up in the air with no fear of flying.

I fly 80 to 100 times per year because of work. And because I love to travel. But I actually had a period some years ago where I tried not to fly at all because I was scared of flying. But I got over my fear of flying and here is what I did to combat my fear of flying.

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Bicycle assemble area Faro Airport.

Bicycle assemble area at Faro Airport.

I fly a lot with my bicycle. So I like when airports are bicycle friendly. And I thought I would just give Faro Airport in Portugal a mention here, as this is one of the better airports in this world for cyclists.

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Visiting the city of Copenhagen during a layover at the airport is very doable. Even if you just have 3-4 hours. This is a little guide to how you can do it.

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