Traveling on the Rio Mamore.

Traveling on the Rio Mamore.

This is a little story from way back in 1994, when I was traveling through the Bolivian part of Amazonas on a cargo ship.

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2020 was a crazy year.

We just ended the year 2020. A year where the world was turned upside down by a certain virus. Now how did a guy like me cope with a year like that?

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church climbing wall

There is church with a climbing wall in Copenhagen.

If you visit Copenhagen, then you might want to go a little off the tourist trail and visit Frederiksholm church. It’s a very progressive and unique church that has build a climbing wall on the church tower.

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Bud Lewis, Carlsbad.

My certificate of recognition, from the mayor of Carlsbad.

I actually have it on paper that I’m an American hero. Signed by the mayor of Carlsbad, California. I don’t think it’s really deserved though. But it’s a nice little memory from my first trip to California 17 years ago.

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Llandudno is Costa de Wales.

In north Wales you have a town called Llandudno. To me it looks like a Welsh version of Torremolinos.

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