Denmark has 98 municipalities. And I will be cycling through all of them this year.

cycling municipalities

I will be cycling all municipalities in Denmark.

I will be getting my Covid vaccine in May. And then it will be time to travel internationally again. But while I am waiting for this to happen, I shall not sit still. I plan to take a bicycle tour of every Danish municipality while I am waiting for my jab. That way I keep fit and still explore a little, while I am waiting for the world to reopen.

How big is Denmark?

Denmark is not that big. The country is only 43000 square kilometers. But Denmark has 443 islands. 75 of them are inhabited. Because of the many islands, Denmark has a coastline stretching 4605 kilometers. So cycling through every municipality in Denmark is not just a walk in the park. My estimate is that I will be cycling close to 5000 kilometers in order to reach my goal. But I like cycling, so that is ok. And I am a born nomad. So I will be happy to camp out, al around the country.

Map of Denmark

Denmark is a small country. But I will still take me around 5000 kilometers to cycle through all Municipalities.

And camping is what I will be doing. Being a freelancer in travel & tourism, I have not exactly had the largest income the past few months. So I need to travel cheap. But that is ok. It should be an adventure anyway.

How long will it take?

I will be taking the trip in a few stages, as I will also be working while doing the project. Because of this, I expect the project to take me around 14-15 weeks to complete.

I will be posting regular updates on the blog, with little stories from each municipality, as I cycle through them, so stay tuned.

Claus Andersen

Ready to start my cycling project of cycling all municipalities in Denmark.


  1. Hej Claus
    10 km syd for Faaborg er der et flot beliggende shelter ved Nakkebølle.
    Jeg var på en kortere tur DK rundt (14 dage) i efteråret og blev helt vild med de mange flotte shelterpladser.
    Skulle du ønske en overnatning i Faaborg, så er du velkommen. Vi bor på båd.
    Venlig hilsen
    Claus Jepsen

    • Hej Claus. Mange tak for din kommentar. Nu er det sådan at jeg faktisk selv har base i Bøjden, lige ved siden af Faaborg. Så Faaborg kommune er en af de kommuner jeg nok ikke kommer til at overnatte i andet end når jeg er i Bøjden. Men det kan jo være at vi ses på havnen i Faaborg, da jeg kommer der ganske tit. Cyklede faktisk forbi igår, da jeg var på tur til Svendborg kommune.

  2. Looking forward to following your travels around Denmark!

  3. On my round Denmark ride – much of the time seemed to be on ferries; pre-bridges – we had a super time riding through the countryside. A bicycle is the best way to see Denmark. Great memories of places like Dybbol, Aero, Fynske Alper, Ejer Bavnehoj, Jelling Stone. Good luck with the kidneys!

  4. Hello again Claus, you bloody madman!

    The virus has effectively closed the world down and only you could come up with a crazy idea like this, I would expect nothing less from you. Sitting still must have been killing you, I know what you are like.

    When I read the title originally I thought it was a decent trip but no big deal for you given the huge trips you have done before but I had not thought about the islands and a 5K km. trip is a bit of a trek even for you although I know you have done such things before.

    Best of luck to you and I cannot wait to see the posts. At least you are in the lucky position where you can break it up and “RTB (return to base)” as required.

    Speak soon,


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