Llandudno is Costa de Wales.
In north Wales you have a town called Llandudno. To me it looks like a Welsh version of Torremolinos.
On the northern shores of Wales, you have a town that I did not expect to find there. It’s a seaside town with fancy old hotels. Ferris wheels, a wonderful promenade. And almost all the things I would normally expect to find in a mediterranean town.
But this is located in north Wales.

There is a wonderful promenade.
Llandudno has it all: Except the sun.
Llandudno is strikingly similar to an old fashioned resort in the south of Europe. But because of the lack of sunshine and high temperatures, the town is mostly visited by elderly Brits, who come there for the weekends. At the hotel I was staying in, I am sure that I was the youngest person with my 49 years of age. But the oldies were rocking the dance floor at night, after having parked their wheelchairs next to the bar. It was actually really nice to see all these old folks rocking the dance floor, while some wannabe Tom Jones was singing 60’s songs.

One of the many wonderful old hotels in Llandudno.
Llandudno has some unexplored potential for tourism.
It’s not just old Brits who do not mind that the weather is mostly quite cold in Llandudno. I spent a lot of time in tropical countries, where people are trying to escape the heat when they take their holiday. I seriously think that Llandudno should try to market itself towards the south European market. There are many people in countries like Spain, Portugal and Italy. As well as tropical countries by the equator, who would like to spend their holiday at a seaside resort, where they are sure that it will not be +30 degrees celsius. So if anyone in charge of Llandudno Tourism ever reads this, then take note please. I think you guys have potential here. And I speak as a guy who has worked for +30 years in travel & tourism.

It’s a real holiday town.
Conwy castle is only a stone’s throw away.
Llandudno is not just about being by the seaside. There are several culturally interesting places close to town. Conwy Castle being one of the most obvious. This massive UNESCO protected castle is just a 10 minute drive from Llandudno and very worth visiting. You can for that matter take a day trip to the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon. The small town of Llanberis is less than an hours drive from Llandudno. And from Llanberis, you can take a train to the top of Mount Snowdon.

Conwy Castle.

The view from Mount Snowden.
So if you want to try an alternative holiday by the sea, then try Llandudno. I don’t think you will regret it.
We spent a lovely few days here several years ago. It is a good and little known small town. We stayed in a bnb recommended by VTer Sue Manning of London. She has since moved to Australia. Glad to know that there are still a few places for you to discover, Claus.