Brazilian beach.

Brazilian beaches are the best

I have been to hundreds of beaches around the world. In my opinion there is no doubt that the best beaches in the world are the ones in Brazil. Brazilian beaches just have an edge that puts them ahead of other beaches.

I am sure there will be plenty of people who think differently than me and I agree that the beaches of the Philippines for instance are fantastic too. But Brazilian beaches just have that little edge in my humble opinion. This is why:



Brazilian beaches are the social meeting point of the city.

The social meeting point in Brazil.

Brazilians go to the beach to socialise.

In Brazil the beach is not just a place where you go to swim and sunbathe like in some other countries.

The beach is the center of the social scene in all cities that have a big city beach and this goes for both rich and poor.

The beach is where you go and meet your friends. Play music, do sports, drink beer and hang out when you are not working.

Brazilian cities are often quite congested. Because of that the beach is usually where they have the best open space so they use it to the max. I just love that. Because of that the beaches can be very crowded at weekends but it just makes it all more fun and gives the beach a real party atmosphere.

This is the thing that makes the biggest positive difference to me as I am not sun bader. I do not swim all the time when I am at the beach either. So give me a good party at the beach and I am in.


There are 1095 beaches in Brazil.

One of the 1095 beaches in Brazil.

Small beach near Paraty

Brazil has 7500 kilometers of coastline and according to the official Brazilian beach guide there are 1095 beaches in Brazil to choose from. So you can always find one for your taste.

The beaches in Brazil go from long empty beaches away from the cities, where you can walk for hours without hardly seeing anyone, to wild crazy party beaches in the big cities and in the big beach resort towns.

Take your pick.

There is plenty to choose from.

Praia da Pipa is one of my favourite beaches in Brazil

Praia da Pipa is one of my favourite beaches in Brazil

On the beach we are all equal.

All social classes go to the beach in Brazil.

Brazilian family on the beach.

Brazil is a country with big social differences. You will mostly find that the rich do not mix with the poor if they can avoid it.

The beach is close to being the only place where they mix though.

In Brazil there is not much tradition for fencing off certain beaches for the rich. So you will see that people mix on the big city beaches in Brazil. Especially on Sundays.

You have invisible lines on the big city beaches though. But they are more divided into what kinda interest you have.

Surfers have one part of the beach they go to. Families use another part of the beach. The young party crowd another. the LGBT community another. And so on.

You will not notice these invisible lines when you first go to Brazil. But if you spend some weeks in Brazil, then you will start to notice. And the Brazilians will for sure know them and they can point them out to you if you are interested.


There is plenty of surf.

Riding the waves of Brazil.

The surf is good in Brazil.

Many of Brazil’s beaches have good surf. Surfing is one of the biggest sports in Brazil .And a very visible lifestyle in the country.

If you are a surfer yourself then be aware that some parts of Brazil’s coastline has a lot of sharks. So you should always talk to the locals first to make sure that the area does not have a shark problem.

Brazilian boy with his surfboard.

Getting ready to ride the waves.

People work on the Brazilian beaches.

The beach is home for the fishermen too.

Brazilian fishermen mending their nets on the beach.

Because of the high numbers of people coming to the beaches in Brazil you will see dozens of vendors on the popular beaches selling stuff. You will see little beach bars set up on most beaches too.

On top of that you will often have people fishing from the beaches.

The people who are doing that are mostly from the lower social layers of society. I have only experienced friendliness from these guys. I have gone fishing with them on a couple of occasions as well.

The beach is full of people selling food and drink.

Candyfloss salesman on the beach.

And work out on the beach.

Guys working out on one of the many Brazilian beaches.

Working out on one of the many Brazilian beaches.

On the big city beaches in Brazil you will see work out areas every few hundred meters.

Brazil has a lot of body culture. And the beach is very much a place where you go to see and be seen. So it makes perfectly sense that they have these work out spots all over the place. The beach is where Brazilians work on their bodies, while posing for the public.


Brazilian beaches are often party beaches.

Party boat.

Having a party while sailing to the beach.

Brazilian beaches are full of music, ranging from people bringing their own instruments, to little bars blasting out new and old Brazilian hits from their speakers. Sometimes you will also see giant concerts being set up on the beaches. These concerts are often free, by the way.

In Brazil it’s very common that the biggest concerts are held on the beach, as the beaches are often quite wide and can easily take large crowds. So you can see both the most popular Brazilian bands as well as big foreign names playing on the beaches in Brazil. If you are lucky to be in town at the same time as them.

This was my opinion about Brazilian beaches. Hope that you found it useful and gave you the desire to visit Brazil.

Should you want some more photos and stories about Brazilian beaches, then I have a little blogpost on this link  about Praia da Pipa, which is one of my favourite beaches in Brazil.

Segunda Praia

Segunda Praia at Morro de Sao Paulo.

Beach bar Morro de Sao Paulo

Nice beach bar in Morro de Sao Paulo.

Praia da Calhetas in Pernambuco

Nadjairma and Nadjaina at Praia da Calhetas in Pernambuco


Josely Trajano

With Josely Trajano on Praia da Pina in. Recife.

Nice looking girl in Brazil.

Brazilian beaches have eye candy 🙂



  1. Your article made me laugh, especially at the end. I had no idea there were so many beaches in Brazil, it makes sense since they have such a large coast line, I just never thought about it. Can’t wait to explore!

  2. I could not agree more. There is just something magical about Brazilian beaches and the Brazilians who flock to them. I spent several months living on these beaches back in the 80’s and loved every moment.

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