Praia da Pipa.

Praia da Pipa.

Praia da Pipa is a small beach town in Northeast Brazil that has been quite popular over the past 3 decades with both Brazilian and foreign travelers. And it’s easy to see why, as this really represents life at its very best if you ask me.

Slow family living on Praia da Pipa.

Slow family living on Praia da Pipa.

Wake up in the morning, have a coffee in my hammock. Then go to a stunning beach with stunning girls. Wander back to town for a couple of afternoon beers, before heading to the main street for a few caipirinhas, with a nice mix of international bohemian travelers and stunning women. This is my life when I am in Praia da Pipa.


It started with the hippies.

First came the hippies and then I came with my friends.

First came the hippies and then I came with my friends.

Like many other fantastic beach resorts, it all started with the hippies discovering the place in the 1960’s and 70’s. This goes for Pipa too, where the hippies made the world aware that this place was special.


And Pipa is still a little hippie and it’s also a surf place.

Surfer girls on Praia da Pipa.

Surfer girls on Praia da Pipa.

The good thing about this place is that the area that surrounds Pipa is a protected natural reserve. And that puts a limit to the development you can have there. So the place is not littered with big ugly high rise hotels from Hilton, Marriot, Sheraton and so on. They can build hotels there, but only if they stick to the rules which means not turning it into a high rise ugly resort.


The beach is long at Praia da Pipa.

Best beaches in the world is in Northeast Brazil.

Best beaches in the world is in Northeast Brazil.

If you worry that you might just have a little strip of beach where everyone goes, then you do not need to worry. The beach is several kilometers long and you have nice facilities with beach bars and so along the beach. Nothing big and fancy, but just little beach huts with basic food and drink for sale. Just the way I like it 🙂


Praia da Pipa is not without problems.

Pria da Pipa.

Pria da Pipa.

Of course you will have some problems when you stick a few hundred tourists in one spot. and Pipa has some too. One of the main problems is that the terrain is quite elevated and the local infrastructure is not very good, so you have a lot of traffic chaos when getting in and out of town.


There is also a bit of a drug scene in town. But I have to say that it is easily avoided, but when you have young people from around the world partying their brains out, then you will mostly find drugs too.


Praia da Pipa is so much better than anything you find in Europe or Southeast asia.

Surfer boy at Praia da Pipa.

Surfer boy at Praia da Pipa.

I might just burn my fingers a little with this headline. But I like Brazilian beaches so much more than the ones we have in Europe or the ones that I have been to in Southeast Asia. I love that the beaches in Brazil are a meeting point for the locals and you are never stuck partying only with other foreigners.

The Brazilians will always be here and party with you, both men and women. In Europe, the beaches are mostly dead boring, either with people sun tanning by themselves or with people sitting in groups. In Southeast Asia, I often miss some interaction between locals and foreigners. It tends to be mainly there when the locals come to sell the foreigners something. This is why I love the beaches of Brazil and why I love Pipa.

Going to the beach at Praia da Pipa means interacting with Brazilians and that is a very good reason to go there if you ask me.


I love Praia da Pipa and I will come back.

I love Brazil.

I love Brazil.

As you might have noticed, I really like this part of the world and I personally think you should go there. Northeast Brazil has gone through some very positive changes over the past decade and it’s a much better place for the international traveler than 24 years ago when I started coming to Brazil. I love Brazil, especially the Northeast and I will keep coming back to places like this.


Pipa is the perfect beach town.

Pipa is the perfect beach town.

Praia da Pipa is located in Northeast Brazil, just south of the city Natal.

Chilled out beach life.

Chilled out beach life.

Perfect beach.

Perfect beach.

Where I was stying.

Where I was staying.

Surfing the brazilian waves.

Surfing the Brazilian waves.

Beach library-

Beach library at Praia da Pipa.

On the way to the beach.

On the way to the beach.

Praia da Pipa is amazing.

Praia da Pipa is amazing.


  1. Wow! That looks a nice place. It’s an exciting place. Check this out for more travel tips and guides.

  2. Nice article. How is the crowd in Pipa at the beginning to mid November? Have you been to Jericoacoara? Wondering what you think of that place in comparison.


    • Hi’ Greg. I have been to Jericoacoara too. It can in many ways compare to Pipa, especially when it comes to the crowd it attracts. Jaricoacoara is further from an international airport though and because of that it get’s fewer overseas tourists. But I highly recommend both places.

  3. Pingback: Brazilian beaches are the best in the world. - Travelling Claus

  4. Pingback: Brazilian beaches are the best in the world. - Travelling Claus

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